Search within to figure out your biggest financial challenge and work to eliminate it. Remember your success depends on you. Become an independent financial thinker and avoid being enticed by peers, media ads, and the desire to fit in. When you reach your financial goals you will become the trendsetter and a model for success. It takes stamina and decisiveness to stick to your financial goals whatever they may be. The sky is the limit and soon you will be able to reach the stars.
How can I learn to be to be more financially responsible? There are many ways to do this… Listen to a podcast or a TED Talk about personal finances. Read books and news about personal finances. Introduce a book to your book club about personal finance and they you can discuss the contents of the book with others and gain an unofficial support group of sorts. Talk to the more experienced among us, our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Our elders have a wealth or experience that we can learn from without making the mistakes they made. Reach out to your bank to see if there are resources available to you for free or a small fee. When you read the news each day, focus on the personal finance articles that you find helpful and then share the article with others that can benefit as well. Building your financial prowess takes time and you will see there are great financial resources all around you.
Growing together means we can learn from sharing our successes and failures with one another without fear of shame. This is especially important in relationships. Are you a saver or a spender? Your mate is likely the opposite and there lies the conflict. Early in your relationship be transparent about where you are financially and where you want to go. It speaks volumes about a person when you hear their thoughts and feelings about money. What it means to them and their goals and how they relate to others. What you say about money and your financial life tells more about you then you realize and it reflects the core of who you are. If you want to really get to know someone better find out how they make financial decisions. Their thought process is a deeper look of who they really are. Ask yourself and ask your mate am I a financial adult or a financial child? Do I and does my mate make decisions that are beneficial or harmful? Can I live with who they appear to be without judgement for the long haul or will I tire of their way of being. Think about what their decisions mean to your life as well, if you plan to be in a long term relationship that leads to marriage.
We all have different definitions of an adult. Such as getting your first apartment or buying a house. However, being a financial adulthood, or managing money responsibly it not tied to a milestone like getting your first job. This means you spend, save and invest with a plan mind face reality and know when to ask for help. Don’t rely on credit cards to live and if you are graduating begin these skills now. Be honest with yourself about the status of your finances and remember we all must begin somewhere. How about starting today!
We have been encouraged to freeze our credit reports to prevent credit fraud. However, credit freezes do not always work. We discovered recently that a consumer experienced credit fraud (after freezing their credit) and purchased a mobile phone using their credit data. The mobile phone company sent a credit query to the National Consumer Telecommunications and Utilities Exchange (NCTUE), which monitors mobile phone and utility accounts that are in arrears. Unfortunately, the fraudulent consumer was able to get a phone using someone else’s credit. The NCTUE is a subsidiary of Equifax and we found that you can call 1 866-349-5185 to get a free copy of your NCTUE report or to freeze your account. Visit and check out to see if anyone has fraudulently used your credit information.
If you are on a tight budget, you can still make time with you mom special. Make a nice dinner, buy flowers, or give mom a gift certificate at her favorite nail salon. Be creative and remember moms enjoy spending time with their children with or without spending money. Enjoy Mother’s Day with your mom or a special woman in your life. Showing that you care is really the best Mother’s Day a mom could ask for. Use your imagination to share your gifts and talents with mom. Your mother will enjoy time with her children and or grandchildren. Enjoy! and Happy Mother’s Day!
There are high cost and low cost gyms. Have you considered no cost gyms. Workout at home or outside and use your smartphone to find music or videos that can make your exercise routine enjoyable. Everyday you can find a different routine such as walking, jogging, dancing or even yoga. Sure you can purchase a low cost mat or use your carpet at home. You can find unique ways to exercise and even invite a family member or a friend to join you and share your success with others! You’ll feel better, sleep better and loose a few pounds as well!
Yes, retail stores, banks, and credit cards companies are excited when consumers use their credit cards to increase sales activity! However, credit card users may not benefit in the long run. Unless your credit card offers a zero percent interest rate you may be charged between an interest rate of 19%-25%. Use your zero percent credit card for larger purchases such as furniture or appliances and you can pay the balance slowly before the interest rates begin. If you cannot pay your credit card in full each month, make larger payments to reduce the interest rates charges.
Have you learned a financial tip that is helpful in giving you new ways to reach your goals, pay down debt, and save for emergencies? Share what you know with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Don’t forget to tell your coworkers, colleagues, and professional organizations can benefit when they hear the news from you. So Spread the Word and Share what you know… at the next family reunion, phone call, or coffee with a friend — share tips and continue to Spread the Word!
You have decided that now is the time has come to purchase an engagement ring! But what’s next? First, be smart about your purchase and don’t overpay for good quality. Make intelligent tradeoffs that will save you a bundle. Follow these tips: