The Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates next week. This means that consumers will pay more for mortgage and car loans, home equity lines of credit, and credit cards. Experts project a 2.2 billion dollar hike in credit card interest rate charges. Pay down credit cards and pay them off if at all possible. Savers with bank savings accounts and CD’s will win when interest rates rise and will get a greater return on their money. It will become more expensive to borrow money and will require consumers to be more diligent in finding the lowest interest rate possible. The larger the loan and the longer the repayment schedule means you may may thousands more in higher interest rates. Be an educated consumer and shop around to get the best interest rate possible. You’ll be glad you did!
It is possible to buy a reliable used car if you are willing to do your homework. Similar to a new car you must arm yourself with information before you make your purchase. A used car has a history, previous owners, and a maintenance record. If you can gather this info with is usually public record you can be a successful owner of a used car. Similar to the purchase of a home, where your bank requires a home inspection – it is imperative to get a mechanic to evaluate the overall condition of the car. Here are steps to follow to get the best deal on a reliable used car:
1.Order the title history
2. Watch our for rentals
3. Ask for a service history
4. Inspect the outside
5. Kick the tires
6. Check the fluids
7. Ask a mechanic
In a recent article, Marilyn Lewis talks about living paycheck to paycheck. It’s more common than we want to admit. Besides being extremely stressful, living paycheck to paycheck does not allow you to plan ahead, prepare for emergencies like car repairs, or relying on costly loans to get you out of a jam. There are (8) things you can do to move towards financial independence.
A long-term financial plan is a must for everybody. It’s folly to avoid making a plan for your financial life. Half of all Americans do not have a long-term financial plan for several reasons. You can make a difference for yourself and loved ones. Without a plan it is difficult to make your money work for you to accomplish important life goals. Just like a GPS system if you have a plan you know where you are going. Without a map you may go drift unable to accomplish your lifelong financial goals.
It’s unfortunate that money is a leading cause of divorce. Money management is important to reduce conflicts about money. There are five things that can give couples guidance about money management. Developing great money habits is the key. Here are a few ideas from a recent study.
What is a financial cheat day? Similar to a diet cheat day, you select one day out of the week where you allow yourself some leeway. A financial cheat day can mean a meal at a restaurant. Be careful no to overdo it. Overdoing it can be a setback if not planned properly. When that day is over, you must be disciplined to return to the task at hand and be as frugal as usual. This is the financial reward for doing a great job, being diligent and living a little. I recommend a financial cheat day after you have accomplished at least (3) financial goals, paid of a debt, or restructured your bills. Planning is always key. A financial cheat day works best after you received a bonus, income tax check or a raise. So go out and splurge on yourself! Just don’t go overboard!
The May 2018 issue of Financial Workshop Newsletter reported that every day 20,000 calls are placed to domestic hotlines. An average of 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the U.S., which equals to more that 10 million women each year. But abuse is not only physical. It appears that 94-99% of domestic violence survivors also experience economic abuse. Economic abuse is a term that describes a situation when finances are restricted and withdrawn as a means to control another person. The elderly may also experience economic abuse. At times, economic abuse is coupled with physical, psychological, or emotional abuse. Forms of abuse include:
These words depict our personal financial life and goals. Can you add others?
money savings checking accounts bills auto loans credit cards mortgage loans 401k Roth-IRA FICO score debt budget payday loans credit report creditor balance investment interest rates minimum balance credit union insurance premium penalty lending bonds stocks bitcoin personal loan student loan vested retirement social security autonomy salary bonus earnings equity finance underwater loan value joint account heirs wills paid-in-full business loan calculated mutual funds annunity planning yield goals income capital gains IRA employer-defined benefit compound interest taxes portfolio diversify
You need to know that Renae Merle of the Washington Post reported…federal regulators voted to approve a broad proposal easing financial crisis-era regulations on risky trading, delivering Wall Street one of the biggest victories in recent years. Profits reached $56 billion during the first three months of the year. The previous regulations protected taxpayers from another bailout. Banking consumers need to be aware of new banking regulations and how it affects their deposits. Remember credit unions are more careful in risky investments. Be aware of how these new banking regulations affect you and your family.
Do you have a saying about money? Here are a few sayings you may have heard before…