The cost of paper, printer ink, and office furniture can really add up. But with a little knowledge you can trim the bill sustantially. The following are some great ways to cut the cost of your next Staples shopping spree:
Tired of recieving unsolicited offers for credit cards or insurance? Worried that an identity thief could intercept them? Here’s what to do.
The major credit-reporting agencies offer two options:
In our face-paced society, it can be touch to find the time to curl up with a great book. But that doesn’t mean you have to give uo your favorite novels or works of nonfiction. Audiobooks let you take great stories on the go. And if you know where to look, you can get such books for free.
Personal finance it he ugly step-child of finance. Most of Wall Street’s resources are geared toward helping institutional investors get richer. The rest of us get watered-down versions of their advice and insights. Here is what experts want us to know:
View these in more detail:
Shopping malls are designed to separate shoppers from their money. Many ‘sales’ are not always a true ‘sale’. But you can arm yourself to avoid unnecessary purchases. Here are seven ways to avoid spending temptations at the mall so you can make better choices.
Safeguarding your social security number is critical to avoid identity theft. Here are three preventive ways you may not know about:
Rules of thumb can be a good approximate guideline for making decisions. While everyone’s financial situation is different, these financial rules as a good starting point. Look at these rules of thumb:
(20% should go toward financial goals, like paying off debt and saving for retirement)
(30% of your income can be allocated to wants, like dining and entertainment)
2. Buying a vehicle – 20/4/10 rule (20% downpayment; 4 years to repay loan; 10% max of income on transportation)
View the others:
Americans are accumulating more debt, particularly around student loans, but borrows in some states are struggling more than others to pay back these loans on time. Overall, about 44.7 million people have student loans in the U.S. – that adds up to $1.5 trillion in debt and breaks down to roughly $32,731 per person. Although studies show those with a college degree have a higher earning potential, student loan debt has the highest delinquency rate in the country. Delinquency rates vary from state to state see how this varies from state to state. View the map:
It is good to explore new and novel ways to save money. Sometimes we forget the basics that served us well in the past. Being vigilant in all areas of our financial lives – from big stuff to the small stuff – can make real impact on our bottom lines. Consider these 7 classic money-saving tips:
Any substance that you feel compelled to consume that doesn’t fulfill a dietary need os not only an unnecessary expense that’s draining your wallet, but likely damaging to your health as well. Are you feeding an alcohol addiction? Smoking? Soda? Coffee? Do you find it difficult to function without these things? Are you spending money constantly on these things? If you’re nodding your head yes, even reluctantly, it’s a sure sign that you need to cut back on a habit. Then take the money used to finance these habits to add to your emergency savings account.