22 Things You Should Always Buy at the Dollar Store. The dollar store has great bargains on these purchases with rock bottom prices.
The coronavirus pandemic is a scary time for everyone. Elders who are living alone might enjoy your help. Consider the following:
These time-tested methods can help us live smarter today. Here are some frugal strategies worth resurrecting:
You can spot scammers and con artists with a little know-how. The idea of staying home and working in your pajamas can sound appealing. But use caution when search for such work. That great-sounding work-from-home job offer may be an internet scam in disguise.Most job websites are not policed. Rarely are these work-at-home schemes legitimate, nor do they provide any income except for the scammers who operate them. To check out a job offer search online for the company name and job title and the keyword “scam.” Beware of the following:
These schools let retirement-age students study, tuition-free, while earning college credit. Seniors enjoy discounts for just about everything. Did you know that can even include the cost of higher education? You can earn credit toward a degree – without the burden of crippling student loans. Admission is likely dependent whether space is available. This is your chance advance a career, change direction or finish a degree you started many moons ago.
Here’s how to painlessly speed up debt-reduction efforts. Debt can destroy your financial dreams. Whether you carry a small balance on your credit card each month or are staring up at a mountain of financial obligations, debt makes it impossible to get. Paying off debt requires dedication, determination and persistence. Here are a few smart ways to pay off debt fast:
Paying off debt may require you to make few lifestyle changes, but it doesn’t have to be depressing. If you have a difficult time adjusting to new circumstances, implement gradual changes so the process won’t become too overwhelming. You have an option to call Debt.com (888) 739-9616 for FREE consultation with a debt specialist.
Getting older presents new ways to save money. Study these strategies to make your golden years more golden. One scary part of retirement is knowing you could have 30 more years in front of you but only a limited amount of cash available to finance them. How do you make sure your retirement account doesn’t run dry before you say your final goodbye? Well, there are no guarantees, but the following are numerous smart strategies you can use to stretch your money – however little or much you have- over the decades to come.
Sometimes a big-ticket purchase is nothing more than a big waste of money. Spending money on expensive things you don’t need is a surefire way to deplete your bank account and lower your net worth. Many big-ticket purchases are made on impulse or otherwise represent poor judgement.
If you truly can afford to buy a costly status symbol, go right ahead. However, if you want to get the most out of your money, there are many expensive items that you can and should live without. Here are several examples of big expenditures you shouldn’t make:
Don’t squander this gift – which can keep on giving to your financial security. When someone we love dies, it can be tough to make decisions, let alone financial decisions about an inheritance. A little planning can go a long way, though. These steps will help guide you through the process of managing new found wealth responsibly so you don’t squander your windfall.
Stashing cash around the house is anything but harmless… Should you stash some cash in a hiding place around your house? It can seem like a fun, creative way to save your money – $100 bills stuffed in the bottom of a cook jar, $50 bills stuck between the pages of a book, even more money buried in the backyard. But it is actually a dumb and unsafe way to hold on to your money. Here are several reasons why hiding cash around is a bad idea: