Here’s how to change those bad behaviors. Developing good habits helps us focus on things that need our attention most.
Dropping bad money habits makes it easier to power up your financial life. Following are some bad money habits, and tips for ending them.
You may want to consider a reputable, nonprofit credit counselor. Who you turn to matters. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Go to NFCC’s website OR Call 1 (800) 388-2227 to connect with a certified financial counselor. Beware of debt settlement companies, especially those that tell you to stop paying your bills for several months. The companies then try to use it as leverage to settle for less. That could ultimately have an impact on your credit score, since there is no guarantee it will work. Working with a credit counselor may be better for those who are adding onto existing debt, experts advise. Those who are dealing with new debt because of COVID-19 crisis may be better of advocating on their own behalf. In these trying times it may just be a fact of life that you are accumulating debt. Coming up with a plan can help you weather the crisis. Once the pandemic passes and the economy starts to improve, re-inventory your outstanding debt. Devise a plan to start chipping away at it.
Here’s why you should take advantage of this yearlong offer. The three credit-reporting companies – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion – are offering free weekly credit reports to all Americans for one year. You can access your free report at anytime by visiting the official website of the companies In a joint statement issued April 20, 2020, the three companies said the move was a response to the coronavirus pandemic, and the financial hardship it is causing for millions of Americans therefore making credit reports more accessible more often so people can better manage their finances and make necessary steps to protect their credit rating. The agencies are urging people who fall into financial difficulty to seek help. The single most important action for consumers who cannot pay their bills right now is to talk with lenders to find out if they are offering any assistance. You will get access to your credit report ONLY and NOT your credit score. To get your credit score for free visit: 7 Ways to Get Yours for Free
Here’s what happens when there’s no place to go but up. Damaged credit takes time to heal. Late payments, missed payments, repossessions: Nearly, every black mark will stay on your your credit history for seven years. After seven years, the law requires that most negatives, including repossessions, have to be removed. The good news is, though, is that the older the injury, the less it hurts. So as things like late payments and repossessions age, they affect your credit less. How much will a repossession affect your credit score? It depends where your credit score is at the time. if your score is high, the effect of a repossession would be greater. If your score is low, the effect would be less.
SOLUTION: Call your creditors, when your payments will be late or you have trouble paying the full amount. NEVER ignore the problem. It will only get worse. REFINANCE a high interest car loan to make the payments smaller, you can sell the car and get a less expensive one you can afford. REMEMBER: There are things you can do before your car is repossessed. CALL: A free credit counseling service to get free advice if you are in debt or have trouble paying your bills. There are lots of options for consumers to remedy debt problems. USE them! You will be glad you did!
22 Things You Should Always Buy at the Dollar Store. The dollar store has great bargains on these purchases with rock bottom prices.
The coronavirus pandemic is a scary time for everyone. Elders who are living alone might enjoy your help. Consider the following:
These time-tested methods can help us live smarter today. Here are some frugal strategies worth resurrecting:
You can spot scammers and con artists with a little know-how. The idea of staying home and working in your pajamas can sound appealing. But use caution when search for such work. That great-sounding work-from-home job offer may be an internet scam in disguise.Most job websites are not policed. Rarely are these work-at-home schemes legitimate, nor do they provide any income except for the scammers who operate them. To check out a job offer search online for the company name and job title and the keyword “scam.” Beware of the following:
These schools let retirement-age students study, tuition-free, while earning college credit. Seniors enjoy discounts for just about everything. Did you know that can even include the cost of higher education? You can earn credit toward a degree – without the burden of crippling student loans. Admission is likely dependent whether space is available. This is your chance advance a career, change direction or finish a degree you started many moons ago.