Lending clubs are financial services often used to pay down debt or to acquire personal loans. Lending Clubs are becoming more popular due to easy access online in the privacy of your home or office. You don’t have to face a bank employee that may ask you several personal financial questions that may you uncomfortable. Most important, lending clubs often have fewer requirements than your local commercial bank. Be Aware! There are hidden fees and costs that make this service unreliable. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has received complaints regarding hidden fees when they were promised there would be ” no hidden fees”. The “hidden fee leaves consumers paying interest on principal that they never received,” the FTC noted. When individuals are short on cash these companies are appealing to them and one must read the fine print to protect themselves from unscrupulous lenders.
Rev. Dr. Donna Taylor is the Pastor of Andrew Chapel, United Methodist Church on the Northern Neck in Montross, VA. Rev. Dr. Taylor promotes best practices for financial literacy and financial empowerment in the church and leads workshops throughout Northern Virginia. Currently, she serves as the Chair of the District Finance Committee. In May 2015, Rev. Dr. Taylor received her Doctor of Ministry from Virginia University of Lynchburg in Lynchburg, VA. Rev. Dr. Donna Taylor is married to Dr. David Taylor, who is also the Director of our church-based free clinic. They have two adult children and three grandchildren. In her leisure time, Rev. Dr. Taylor enjoys traveling, jogging, weightlifting, swimming, yoga, and interior decorating. In May 2015, Rev. Dr. Taylor received her Doctor of Ministry from Virginia University of Lynchburg in Lynchburg, Virginia. Rev. Dr. Taylor was born and raised in New York City and recently discovered her ancestral roots in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. Rev. Dr. Donna Taylor is married to David Taylor and they have a son and a daughter. Their daughter is a educator and son is an Active-Duty Senior Seaman in the Navy married with three children. In her leisure time, she enjoys traveling, reading, swimming, writing poetry, crocheting and spending time with her family.